Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is God calling ME to missions?

I just came back from a few days at a Christian University, meeting with students, and I’m noticing a common theme in the conversations that I’m having with them. The statement that I consistently here when discussing missions is, “I’m just not sure that I’m “called” to missions.”  It seems many are looking and waiting for a “second call” in addition to the call of Christ in Matthew 28 to make disciples of all nations. My fear is that many will stay in the states because they are waiting for an experience outside of what is found in Scripture. The Great Commission is reason enough!  We may or may not end up overseas, the Great Commission can be fulfilled anywhere, but we can't wait for a "writing on the wall experience" to GO somewhere that is unfamiliar. Like any other decision in life, we pray and ask God in Faith for wisdom and for strength to obey wherever he directs.  Let me add here, that I, in NO WAY have this all figured out, nor am I always obedient to the mandate of the Great Commission. I am a big mess, but I’m learning a few things along the way…

Questions to consider:

Am I being obedient to where God has me now?

 Am I open to him uprooting me and sending me to another country even if that is alone?

What if he directs me to stay right here? Will I be okay with that?

 What am I doing now to prepare me for what He has for me later? Am I a shining light where he has me now?

 Am I involved in my local church?

Is there sin in my life that I need to address?

Are there things from my past that I have run away from that I need to face? these things will no doubt come out on the mission field!

Some advise:

ABIDE in Christ. To be like him is the goal. Don’t make missions and idol. He is to be what we seek and run after. Don’t make direction an idol. We consume ourselves so often with needing to know the future. That’s not how God works. Trust him and be obedient TODAY.

PRAY. Ask God for wisdom. Pray IN FAITH, without doubting, that he’ll respond.

FIND a local church involved in missions and get involved.

FIND a mentor. Someone older and spiritually mature who will come along you in your journey. You might have to ask for one.

DO Something.  Sometimes all the options are overwhelming, but don’t let this paralyze you. Do something. Move forward in prayer in a certain direction. Don’t be so fearful of making the wrong choice. If God doesn’t want you to do it, He’ll shut the door. He is that big.

LEARN to be flexible and open to the Lord’s calling

UNDERSTAND how support raising is Biblical. An article I just read on this... http://www.thetravelingteam.org/node/263

CONSIDER taking Perspectives http://www.perspectives.org/

Lessons from Philippians

-He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion—Do I believe that His Holy Spirit is at work in me?
-pray for those who partner with you in the gospel—Am I faithful in praying for my brothers and sisters in Christ?

-suffering serves to advance the gospel –Do I suffer well, with an attitude that my suffering can be used to advance the gospel?
-to live is Christ, to die is gain—Do I believe this? Do I live in this way?
-whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospelIs my life conducted in a way that’s worthy of the gospel?

-do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself – Do I act in humility or selfish ambition?
-your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus, a humble servant—Is my attitude in all things like Jesus?

-work out your salvation with fear and trembling. God works in you to act according to his purpose—Am I working out my salvation?
-do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you might shine like stars to the universe—How often am I found complaining?

-Watch out for evil men
-Do not put confidence in the flesh- How often do I trust in my own abilities, rather then relying on the righteousness of Christ?

-Everything is a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus—Do I really believe that? What things am I holding on to?

-Press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
-Forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead—Am I still focused on the sins of my past or am I living in the forgiveness of Christ?

Many live as enemies of the cross, watch for them

Rejoice in the Lord always. –Am I rejoicing in the Lord…always?
Let your gentleness be evident to all- is this true of me?

Do not be anxious about anything- What am I anxious about?
In everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God- Am I praying with thanksigiving?

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.